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What can you expect during an HVAC repair?

There’s never a “right time” to have your HVAC quit working.


In fact, we believe there’s a law that states it will happen at the worst possible time, every time. This is why it’s best to stay ahead of the game and schedule routine maintenance. In fact, it’s suggested each year an HVAC technician should come to your home to fully inspect your system for potential problems. Thinking about going this route? Fantastic! Here’s what you should expect during that visit.

Meeting the Technician

First things first, your HVAC tech will come to your door to introduce himself or herself. He or she should arrive in a truck that displays the company logo, and he or she should be wearing a company uniform that includes his or her first name. You may ask for identification, which the technician is obligated to provide at your request. With your permission, the tech will enter your home and ask you to point out the location of your AC unit and your breaker box.

General Assessment

When Dauenhauer techs arrive, they’ll ask a few standard questions. This is just to make sure it’s not just an issue with the thermostat before digging in further. You’ll also be asked what specific issues you’ve noticed. Be as descriptive as possible.


With any type of HVAC system, furnace, or standalone air conditioner, the issue could be any number of things. After the initial inspection, we’ll have a good understanding of what your HVAC’s problem is. After clearing explaining what’s going on, we’d love to answer any questions you may have about the issue and discuss what options are available.

The Job

So, after you’ve made an informed decision about how to proceed with repairs, the final step in the process is to actually complete all necessary repair work. If you’re in a situation where you are debating whether or not it’s time to invest in a new HVAC system, we can also help point you in the most appropriate direction.

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