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Grease Traps and Grease Interceptors

Louisville is a town that’s known for our interesting local food scene. Whether you’re talking a five star steakhouse, or a neighborhood greasy spoon, all restaurants need a proper grease trap or interceptor system installed.

Few people think about the amount of grease and other solid wastes produced by an average restaurant. Without a grease trap or interceptor system, this waste would end up in our sewer system and could potentially cause a lot of problems.

Some of our Louisville plumbing customers have asked us “What’s the difference between a grease trap and a grease interceptor?” Generally, a grease interceptor is smaller, running from 10 gallons to 500-gallon capacity, and is located above ground. A grease trap is much larger capacity, starting at 500-gallon capacity, and is usually located underground. Both need to be emptied and serviced regularly, although because of their larger size, a grease trap will need this less frequently than an interceptor.

Even if a restaurant doesn’t use much grease in their cooking techniques, they still need a grease trap or interceptor. The name “grease trap” can be a little misleading; it’s important to capture as much of the solid organic waste that any commercial kitchen will produce, whether it’s grease or something else.

If you have a commercial kitchen and need a grease trap or interceptor installed or serviced, be sure to call Dauenhauer, any hour. We’ll help you find the right size and setup for your needs.

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